Holbeach Primary School had their final event on Saturday 6th July at the school summer fair. We opened the fair with our Wikiwaterworld song, specially composed for the event when Ansku from Finland came to visit. We had a Wikiwaterworld stall at the fair - with lots of information and photographs about the project on display. There were activities for the children to do and if they got a certain number of answers correct, they would win some sweets. They had to answer questions about water; match the flags to the countries; and identify all the Wikiwaterworld countries on a map of Europe. They had to guess the number of teaspoons of water it would take to fill a bottle to win an atlas - one for the infants, and one for the juniors. There were also the board games and memory games available to play, and some fun craft activities to do. It was a lot of fun, and some of the children who visited Finland helped out on the stall. It was a beautiful day here in London, and we all enjoyed ourselves.

Beautiful, beautiful! Congratulations to the organizers of the event and to all the participants!